If you find the information of use you can contact me using the contact page. I am always ready to hear from private individuals as well as companies large or small.
North Cottage, The Reaches, Eye, Peterborough, PE6 7TY
Tel : 07779728538 Email : nigel@nmarsden.co.uk
I have now been in business as a self employed Chartered Building Surveyor and Chartered Builder for ten years, and this site is designed to help you to see some of the projects I have been involved with both during my self employed years and before self employment. You are invited to look round this site and see for yourself the extent of the services I can provide.
I hope to show you some of my work, and perhaps you will think that I am a suitable person to undertake a commission for you or the company you represent. On the left hand side are links that lead you to other pages so you can see the wide range of commissions and work undertaken to date.
Whether the work is large or small, it is guaranteed to receive my personal attention, as I am the only person in this practice! I enjoy surveying an individual house as much as carrying out schedules of repairs
I am prepared to take on fixed term commissions, hourly rate work, and travel a wide area around my base in Peterborough. You may need advice, you may need a person to act on your behalf, you may need a flexible building surveyor to ‘fill in’ for staff vacancies.
I will not take on any commission that I feel is beyond my capability, and I will advise you that I am not able to help you if I am too preoccupied with other work when you are thinking about using my services.
As a sole trader, I will not over trade, and give some of my customers a poor service as a result. This would be unfair on you, and would not be in my best interests either.
I carry all the relevant up to date insurances to trade as a self employed Chartered Building Surveyor and Chartered Builder and I hope that I can be of assistance to you, now or in the future.
If you are unsure whether or not you need the services of a building surveyor
Contact Me, and I will try to help you.

Nigel P Marsden
Chartered Building Surveyor and Chartered Builder